+6082-265628 [email protected]

Employee Engagement

The success of an organisation depends on the strength of their workforce. Highly motivated workforces are more engaged and have a stronger bonding within their organisation. This one day workshop will ensure participants are more energized, motivated and build a stronger bond towards the company. Participants will also be exposed to a variety of strategies and skills that involve improvement of self and perception towards work. The workshop will also focus on how to manage work effectively, so that productivity can be increased and continual improvements in cost and quality can be made & achieved.

Course Outline:

MODULE 1: Introduction

MODULE 2: Internal Attributes

MODULE 3: Tapping into Your Plus-Plus

MODULE 4: Knowing Your Organisation

MODULE 5: The Tortoise and the Hare

MODULE 6: Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity

MODULE 7: We are a Team

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