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Effective Negotiation Skills

In a survey by the renowned Katz Business School, recruiters from companies with more than 50,000 employees said that communication skills were cited as the more important decisive factor when choosing managers. Another main factor contributing to job success is the ability to work with others, which also requires good communication skills amongst team members.

Being able to communicate effectively and influence those under your care is therefore essential especially if you want them to believe in what you’ve asked of them. You must gain their cooperation and commitment. To do this, you must understand what your message is, what audience you are sending it to, and how it will be perceived. Influencing others is only successful when you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively.

Course Outline:

MODULE 1: Communication (Dynamics, Self-image, Perception etc)

MODULE 2: Styles of Communication

MODULE 3: Assertion Theory

MODULE 4: Techniques of Influencing in Communication


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